VIP Studio Access / Associate Producer Reception


12 in stock



Thurs., August 29th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM.
Morrisound Studios, Seminole Heights.
$500 per person

The brand-new home of Morrisound Studios, Tampa’s premier recording facility for the past 30+ years, is really intriguing! . . . . . . but it’s small and very cozy!!  So, this is an EXTREMELY limited offer for those individuals who desire:

  • to play a significant role in assisting Chuck and his group embark on this new venture.
  • an opportunity to get to meet and get to know all of the artists and studio engineers in a very intimate environment.
  • a chance to hear in the studio environment a bit of what the band has already recorded.
  • to listen in and observe a live recording take IN the room with the musicians.
  • a chance to appear with the band in the video they are preparing as well have your picture taken with them.
  • to be listed as an Associate Producer in the video credits.