Reviews of “Here We Are”
“A well-drawn session for the modernists who appreciate music that engages the mind as well as the heart”….more
Cadence, Nov. 2004
“Owen’s inspirational creativity is mined here with exceptional musical values and results”….more
Jazz Educators Journal, Vol. 37 #1
“Chuck Owen is one of these “obscure” artists who, through their unrelenting commitment, keep the flame burning brightly to illuminate jazz”….more
Jazz Hot, Jan. 2005
“. . . . . .an imaginatively conceived exploration of the landscape of large jazz ensemble music. Perhaps going that extra mile to demonstrate that cliché free ensemble writing enhanced by imaginative soloing by kindred spirits can produce an emotional entity that will thrill, excite, and expand your perception of the big band”….more
Mainly Big Bands (U.K.), Dec. 2004
“. . . . . hard-swinging stuff that draws daringly from several schools of jazz”….more
Spin This, The Tampa Tribune, July 2004