ISJAC (International Society of Jazz Arrangers & Composers) will, once again, host a gathering of the world’s finest jazz composers – this year in Austin, TX! And what an event it’s going to be!! Featured guest artists include:
- Terri Lyne Carrington
- John Clayton
- Miho Hazama
- Jim McNeely
- Miguel Zenon
But the list of other accomplished composers (numbering well over 75) that will ALSO be presenting their music or scholarship is simply astounding!
Anyone may attend!! You don’t have to be a composer or even a current member of ISJAC (although you’ll find its cheaper to register if you join first). And remember, ISJAC only hosts this every OTHER year. So, if you miss this one, you’ll have to listen to others remind you how incredible it was until June of 2024 when we take the conference to Montreal. For more info or to register visit: